Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby is doing WONDERFUL

The baby is doing wonderful, strong heart beat and is growing every day. At our last ultrasound the baby was moving all over the place. I am starting to be able to feel the baby flutter around inside. It is such an AMAZING feeling to be pregnant and to have a little life growing inside of me and to feel it fluttering about. I am now 12 weeks along and even though I've been sick it's been an amazing experience, I am looking forward to the rest of the pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. It is something I have dreamed about for a VERY long time and now god has blessed me with a gift, a gift that I will be eternally grateful for. This baby will be brought in to the world surrounded ( SP ) By love, he or she has ALOT Of people waiting to welcome him or her into this world.

Life is going ok. Hitting some hard times right now, but I'm sure we will get through them. Although remaining optimistic is VERY hard but I know god has a plan for us and his will, will be done. Everything happens for a reason, he has given us the gift of a baby, I know he will pull us through this tough time. Life has it's up's and downs. You just have to be strong enough to deal with all the aspects of life, we all wish life was level and that nothing ever went wrong, however that's not the case, life has bumps, you have to go over those bumps with caution and treat the bumps as learning experiences. I'm not sure if this is making any sense, I may just be rambling but I guess I needed to vent.

I'll try to be better at updating my blog.